
OPM looks to wrap breach notification by early December

With some 14 million letters already out and millions more expected to hit mailboxes by the end of the month, the Office of Personnel Management expects to wrap up notifications to breach victims in the coming weeks.


Evan Chan

At JPL, Evan Chan helped lead the creation of paperless procurement and augmented-reality initiatives.


Nicholas Keshavarz-Nia

Noblis' Nicholas Keshavarz-Nia led development and deployment of an automated continuous monitoring solution that he now uses to support FedRAMP.


Teresa Rodriguez

Teresa Rodriguez spearheaded 10 initiatives at USDA in the past year, including the first integrated safety and workers' compensation system implemented in the federal government.


Governance lags tech on info sharing, CIA's Brennan says

The CIA director warns that the rapid technological improvements in spycraft and information collection have outpaced the ability of worldwide intel agencies to cooperate.


Time for agencies to tell OMB about high-value assets

The federal CIO pushed hard deadlines in his Cybersecurity Strategy and Implementation Plan. To meet the first, agencies had to grapple with the question: 'What’s a high-value asset?'


OPM broke the rules with its breach cleanup contract, says agency watchdog

A forthcoming inspector general report will delve into how the IG says OPM violated procurement regulations with its $20 million post-breach services award to Winvale.


McAfee's holiday guide to next year's hacks

Looking ahead five years, the report predicts that the ongoing explosion of Internet-connected devices will continue to tax an inadequate base of cybersecurity professionals.

Digital Government

The new retirement calculator, same as the old retirement calculator?

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau released a new tool, but it's basically a facelift for an existing SSA calculator -- and that facelift is kind of the point.

Digital Government

GAO sounds alarm bells on IRS financial systems

From basic functions to security protections, IRS' financial systems are subpar and threaten the agency's mission, according to a new audit.


Why candidates are missing the point on cyber

Hacking China back is not the solution to American cyber vulnerability, experts warn. Voters need to start demanding that presidential candidates take a deeper look at the issue.


Cobert nominated to head OPM

President Obama nominated Beth Cobert, who has served as the Office of Personnel Management’s acting director since she took over for Katherine Archuleta in July, to serve as OPM’s full director.

Digital Government

For the future to work, tech needs to bare all

Open-source systems and open windows onto those systems will be the keys to a future in which citizens trust and engage with Internet-connected devices everywhere.

Digital Government

18F hacked procurement and got code for $1

GSA's in-house startup tried a reverse auction micro-purchase approach to buying code, and it turned out one techie was willing to work for far cheaper than anyone had imagined.


Industry says it's fed up with feds' no hack-back rules

Battered by cyberattacks, the private sector wants to know when the government will take the fight to the adversary -- or at least let companies retaliate on their own.


Cyber official: IT rulebook revamp overdue, but not agile enough

DHS’ Gregory Touhill says an update to the government's 15-year-old document governing IT is a good thing, but feds still lag when it comes to getting and using the cybersecurity tools they need.


OPM's new cyber adviser reports directly to the agency boss

The personnel agency tapped military and industry vet Clifton Triplett to advise on cyber and IT.


Dodging 'fatal errors' for Census 2020 tech

With an agile, iterative testing model, the Census Bureau is hoping to avoid repeating the mobile meltdown of 2010 as it tries to technologically streamline -- and secure -- the 2020 count.


An almanac for advanced persistent threats

A new report catalogs cyber threats and ranks the risk of known attack vectors used by state-sponsored hackers fielded by China, Russia, North Korea and Iran, as well as threats from independent hacker groups from Anonymous to the Syrian Electronic Army.


Bureau of Reclamation sprinting to patch

A trio of awards speaks to the new culture of cybersecurity urgency pervading even smaller, removed-from-D.C. federal outfits.