
Tony Scott drops the new federal cyber strategy

The federal CIO announced the Cybersecurity Strategy and Implementation Plan on Oct. 30, alongside updated FISMA guidance, all aimed at improving Uncle Sam's cybersecurity posture in months and years to come.

Digital Government

America to Census: 'No comment'

As the Census Bureau pushes ahead on incorporating other agencies' administrative records into its database, the American public stays silent.


Women, send in your resumes already

Men might barge ahead with an application, but women tend to hold back unless they feel 100 percent qualified for a job. The VA's CTO says her experience shows why that's a terrible approach.


How telework breeds loneliness for the office-dwellers left behind

Telework is great for those who need it and can capitalize on distributed work. But a new study shows the morale of those left behind can suffer as telework programs expand -- and can spark an office exodus rooted in loneliness, not necessity.

Digital Government

Agricultural data is a new cash crop, but who reaps the harvest?

Farmers and businesses need to hash out property rights and privacy issues as big data pervades American agriculture -- especially if they want to avoid regulation by Congress.


DHS secretary praises CISA, but college kids don't much care

Jeh Johnson spoke to American University students about security challenges on the night CISA passed, but cybersecurity talk was minimal.


Survey shows support, with reservations, for shared services

More organizations are planning to make the leap to shared financial services, but they're not necessarily excited about it -- or confident that they'll see many benefits.


Millennials don't even know what cybersecurity is

Young people are overconfident, unaware and uninterested in pursuing cybersecurity careers, largely because they don't know what it means to be a cybersecurity professional.

Digital Government

No smart city is an island

NIST is pushing a framework to ensure that smart technologies work across multiple municipalities -- and give small companies a fighting chance in the metropolis of tomorrow.

Digital Government

Census 2020 goes mobile, maybe

The Census Bureau is wrestling with big questions about how it will incorporate mobile devices and Internet responses into its next big tally. Plus, the bureau still needs a new CIO.


No, GPO doesn't have to print your secure IDs

Companies say agencies are losing access to innovation by giving secure credential work to GPO, in an apparent misreading of the law.

Digital Government

How the Data Act reveals what agencies don't know

Can centralized, standardized looks at agencywide data uncover challenges and opportunities that have always been lurking?


Professionalizing cyber means new workforce standards

The National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education wants to get everyone speaking the same language on cybersecurity education and jobs.


Former House Intel chair: Info sharing could start in 30 days

The former Michigan representative lamented the lack of cybersecurity information sharing, and said if we could put politics aside, the nation would be safer in very short order.

Digital Government

GSA Hackathon 2: twice as big and open to govvies

In a sequel to its spring hackathon, GSA awarded thousands in prizes to outside techies, and looked to bring some participants on board full time.

Digital Government

What Congress can do to maintain trans-Atlantic data flow

Lawmakers may need to pursue comprehensive surveillance reform to keep the EU participating in the data flow pacts that have become crucial to the economy.


Peace Corps breaks records, moves hiring tech to the cloud

As applications spike, the team behind the agency's volunteer onboarding technology is forging ahead into hybrid cloud and social engagement.

Digital Government

USPS OIG vet: Analytics can make audits help, not hurt

A wealth of data and analytics tools can help auditors better analyze agency activities -- and encourage officials to act on their recommendations.

Digital Government

Buying code with credit cards

18F is experimenting with a fast-paced reverse-auction acquisition model that could, potentially, enable agile projects to get code delivered and paid for in a week.


Closing cybersecurity's race gap

Government leaders speak frankly about how mentorship for young minority talent could help bridge the nation's cybersecurity skills gap.