Digital Government

Boehner's tech legacy (seriously)

The outgoing speaker helped push forward data and transparency measures that have opened up the House of Representatives to the American people.


Are our ports protected from cyber pirates?

The Coast Guard looks to get ports and shipping companies talking about the inevitable cyber threats they face.


18F debuts 'Digital Economy Practice'

GSA's in-house digital skunkworks 18F is branching out into wider policy matters.


Can feds share America's 'invisible infrastructure'?

Lawmakers are mulling bills that would encourage agencies to hand spectrum over to the data-hungry private sector.

Digital Government

Lots of data, lots of fears

A new survey shows many federal leaders are worried they don't have what it takes to effectively tackle big data projects.


Techies are hurting, federal employee survey shows

In the newest Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey, feds show they're feeling better than they have over the past few years – but there's still room for improvement, especially in mission-critical IT.

Digital Government

Senators look to promote health data sharing with new bill

A new bill takes aim at interoperability, usability and security for electronic health records.

Digital Government

Senate EHR legislation looms

A Senate panel sized up the state of electronic health records with an eye on rules that would shape digitized records nationwide.


Time to consider the 'hack-back' strategy?

The U.S. government may have legal access to some surprisingly dirty cyber tactics -- and in order to stave off future hacks, it may need to use them.


Time for U.S. to gut 'malware kingpins'

Experts say the military needs to think in revolutionary terms about cyber warfare and adopt preemptive tactics -- but not act unilaterally.


OPM trumpets the 1 percent

In a partial release of major survey results, the Office of Personnel Management touted improvement, though the data reveal only minor changes in federal employee feelings.


Will protecting Wi-Fi crowd out innovation?

Industry is pushing back against the prospect of spectrum restrictions as the age-old tradeoff – stability or innovation – looms with mobile connectivity.


'The Internet of Other People’s Things'

During an impassioned National Telecommunications and Information Administration meeting, lawyers and stakeholders slogged away at a drone-flying guide.


Mounting requirements, shrinking staffs plague IGs

Expanded responsibilities under the Data Act are only going to make things tougher for understaffed IG offices, says a new report.

Digital Government

Can the next president be transparent if s/he tries?

It doesn't matter who the next president is, those pushing transparency and IT innovation in government will still be frustrated, says one of the Data Act's champions.


Washington's role in hack-proofing cars: A light touch?

The threat of Internet-enabled car hacking looms large in the American psyche. But should agencies rush to put out rules, or can industry find its own way to secure vehicles?


DISA looking for info on cloud-based military email

An RFI outlines the parameters for moving the Pentagon's unclassified email system to the cloud.


NTSB looking for a new CIO

A posting on USAJobs for the Senior Executive Service position lists a salary range of $121,956 to $183,300.


'We don't have a way to code good guy'

A "magical rainbow unicorn key" for encrypted devices may be what law enforcement wants, but such access could mean bad actors would also have access to data, privacy activists argue.


Chaffetz demands mysteriously deleted OPM breach data

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee digging into a small business tool that may have played a role in uncovering the OPM breach.