
Agency heads: It takes more tech than you think

Agency heads, acquisition officers and even CIOs don't need to be hard-core techies. FCW's four-part look at the expertise that's really required to make federal IT run.


Auditors and regulators: Time to hire more IT grunts?

Agency heads, acquisition officers and even CIOs don't need to be hard-core techies. FCW's four-part look at the expertise that's really required to make federal IT run.


CIOs urged to flex their financial muscle

A retired general tells federal CIOs they need to stop wasteful spending before it gets started, and says they could have a powerful ally in their agency CFO.


What the military learned from OPM

Civilian agencies have been publicly scouring the OPM breach for lessons, but military cyber leaders are also getting in on the act.


Finding the malware needle in the DNS haystack

HP’s new security tool leapfrogs the Homeland Security Department’s malware detection techniques by diving straight into the lifeblood of the Internet: DNS traffic.


Can feds dodge the Cisco router hack?

Cisco's commercial routers have been compromised in four countries, but experts say federal agencies are probably in no more danger than the private sector.


What are agencies doing with IT money they're saving?

GAO says 24 federal agencies saved $3.6 billion between fiscal 2011 and fiscal 2014, and need to keep better track of how they reinvest those savings.


GOP bird dogging OPM's IT upgrade

House Oversight Chairman Jason Chaffetz is focusing his scrutiny on a giant modernization project which, according to OPM's inspector general, lacks funding and good management.


The brave new world of cyber insurance

Getting cyber insurance is a "last line of defense" that can also help secure a company before a hack even happens. But the industry needs more information, and Uncle Sam might have a big role to play.


How OPM hopes to cultivate cyber talent

A partnership with truED allows feds to take online courses at substantially reduced rates.


The coming private cyber 'war'

Will U.S. companies, fed up with getting hacked and not getting the government backup they want, launch cyberattacks against foreign actors – and would that qualify as “warfare”?


Full dollar cost of OPM breach still a giant unknown

When you add up credit monitoring costs and cybersecurity spending, fallout from the OPM breach could potentially rocket past $1 billion. How much will be well spent? And what unknown costs are lurking?


Cable trouble undercuts FCC's huge cloud move

Hardware problems have kept the agency from finishing its long-planned move to the commercial cloud on schedule.


The password paradox

Federal security pros fear that rank-and-file feds, drowning in passwords, will threaten organizational security by finding workarounds. Is there a better way than login/password combos?


Planning for cyber war in South Dakota

At a Senate field hearing, the message was that tomorrow's talent needs nurturing -- and more scholarship cash -- if America is going to reverse its shortage of cybersecurity professionals.


The Internet's watchmen applaud privacy

Security pros demonstrated that they, too, value privacy as they listened to a debate between a former NSA chief and one of the world's foremost privacy advocates.


Exploding IoT has semiconductor industry calling for government help

Government needs to invest in semiconductor R&D, industry says, because research will play an increasingly crucial role in an increasingly connected world.


Facebook's Miller named first White House product director

Josh Miller pointed to online petitions and Twitter engagement as examples of "amazing" government-citizen interaction, and promised more to come.


It's 2015. Do you know where your data is?

Remote access of data is a beautiful and dangerous thing. When it comes to cloud and mobile, feds could take a breather and collect strategies instead of rushing headlong into the year-end spend-a-palooza.


After the breach: 21.5 million exposed individuals still waiting

Feds have blown past the August deadlines for OPM breach notifications they now say they “never intended” to meet.