Digital Government

GAO: FAA overlooking global air traffic risks

Worries persist about how well the FAA's new air traffic control system will work with other systems.


GSA makes awards for long-awaited agile BPA

After multiple delays and an unusual solicitation process, 18F has 16 vendors ready to start delivering agile services.


How feds can put the hashtag in hiring

New report from the Partnership for Public Service offers best practices for using social media when recruiting for government jobs.


Tony Scott says IT spending 'headed the wrong way'

The federal CIO slammed the way federal agencies tend to spend too much maintaining old systems and how they rush to empty their budgets at year's end.


USPS wants to go high-tech without losing jobs

An agency long crippled by skyrocketing labor costs is trying to use technology not to trim its workforce but to preserve jobs.


More screens, more millennials?

Getting young people into government can be challenging. One company's prescription: Wow them with a "Minority Report" conference room.


Time to get your introverts talking (or at least typing)

The introverts who often dominate STEM professions tend to lie low in traditional meetings, which is why STEM-heavy NASA is dedicated to breaking out of the mold.


Marshals seek university for data training

While most of the personnel involved are based in Arlington, Va., the academic partner need not be close to the D.C. area.


Can America thump China for the OPM hack – and should it?

Foreign relations experts tackle tough questions of how, and if, the U.S. should retaliate against China for the latter's suspected orchestration of the biggest act of cyber espionage in history.


How OPM breach victims can fight back

Credit monitoring and credit freezes are recommended, as is providing false information for security questions on social media, banking and other websites.


Out-of-sight CIO resigns over the weekend, posts new job to LinkedIn

Barry West is out as CIO at the FDIC, and is now president of the Mason Harriman Group.


OPM's push for equal pay isn't new

Beth Cobert has called for a renewed focus on the persistent pay gap between men and women in the federal workforce, with an emphasis on pay flexibilities that benefit men. But her efforts are only one step on a longer journey.


Feds talk app stores

Mobility is just as much about apps as it is devices. But vetting and featuring good apps is still a challenge for federal agencies.


Sprint leaders take a modest lap

Two agencies stood above the rest at the end of the federal cyber sprint, and one of them was the agency at the center of the cybersecurity maelstrom.


NTEU elects new president

Tony Reardon will replace Colleen Kelley at the 150,000-member union.


LGBTQ techies take over the White House

Diversity stood at center stage as programmers tackled problems ranging from minority tech hiring to criminal justice reform.


OPM wants to know who can manage electronic records

The current contract expires Aug. 23, and OPM anticipates issuing an official request for proposals and making an award between Aug. 11 and Aug. 23.


IG, House chairman lambast OPM's CIO

Lawmakers take aim, an inspector general claims wrongdoing, an agency offers a vaguely worded defense. Is another leadership change in the works at the Office of Personnel Management?


Cyber sprint laggards tell their stories (anonymously)

Energy, Justice and Education posted three of the worst performances on the recent results from the federal government's 30-day cyber sprint. What gives? And are the numbers really that important?


OPM breach notifications, round two

New contracting papers show the feds are trying to avoid repeating the mistakes of the first round of OPM breach notifications.