Digital Government

Can technology cure texting while driving?

Readers agree that texting while driving is dangerous and should be stopped, but say that bans against the practice and technology solutions can go only so far.

Digital Government

Emergency access granted in test of interoperable ID system

An emergency preparedness event involving federal, state and private-sector officials demonstrated ID verification technology to scan and clear first responders from federal, state, local and commercial organizations.


How to be a black belt with your BlackBerry

Follow these tips for being more efficient and making the most of your smart phone.


5 favorite BlackBerry apps

These applications can help you be more efficient, improve your communications and relax.

Digital Government

4G public safety network to undergo first tests

Telecom industry partners are being signed up for the public safety demonstration network being established by the Commerce Department to test LTE equipment for a 700 MHz nationwide public safety network.

Digital Government

Scrambling the message: AT&T launches encrypted voice service for feds

New encryption technology offers secure calls for government, law enforcement users.


Both sides should win in public safety network battle

First responders could benefit from the innovation of commercial carriers in establishing a nationwide public safety network. Can we ensure they do not have to fight for access?


Recommended reading

10 iPhone apps for execs on the go; BlackBerry defectors speak; Even smart phones are moving to the cloud.

Digital Government

Telework bill promises to be a big step forward, experts say

H.R. 1722 will require federal agencies to set up telework plans as part of their continuity of operations procedures.

Digital Government

Army tests electronic, updatable manuals for the field

The Army is testing a variety of applications and devices, including a Kindle, six iPads and an Entourage Edge, as potential platforms for battlefield systems manuals.

Digital Government

Are remote workers more likely to visit adult sites?

Mobile workers are more likely than officebound counterparts to try to reach blocked web resources -- but not in all categories.

Digital Government

Mobile relay system takes air combat training to sea

New mobile technology for the Navy and Marine Corps makes the TCTS air combat training system "rangeless," allowing for advanced training over water.

Digital Government

Smart phone as clinical tool: A teledermatology pilot program

A smart-phone pilot project gives patients in underserved areas better access to dermatologists.


Smart phone as patient tool: A mental health application

A project funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse turns a smart phone into a tool for aiding people with borderline personality disorder.


How your mobile phone could help keep you healthy

With smart-phone use on the rise, health care agencies are launching a variety of mobile applications for patients and providers.


Government's location-specific apps need clear context

What responsibility will agencies have when location-specific government data is delivered to smart phones?


HTC Evo's 4G service takes smart phones to new dimensions

The Evo is hands-down a Reviewer’s Choice winner in this roundup because of two crucial things: the device's bountiful jaw-dropping features and the outstanding performance of those features on the device.


Samsung Captivate makes good use of its Android OS

For most agencies, the Captivate would be a perfect mobile device because it walks a careful balance between the easy-to-manage BlackBerry and the power and capabilities of the Evo.


iPhone 4.0 a great device that deserves better reception

Despite its problems with AT&T, the iPhone’s easy-to-use navigation and sleek construction makes it easy to overlook the antenna nightmares. I reviewed a $199, 16G unit running Version 4.0.1 of Apple's iPhone operating system and found it hard to criticize anything else about the phone.


5 smart choices in smart phones

We tested five new models, including one with 4G capabilities, and finds they have a lot for offer on-the-job users. Android phones come out on top.