Digital Government

Which state is the first deploy a mass mobile alerting system?

The new system – which sends text messages to mobile phones - can target specific geographic areas, which could be as large as a city or as small as a few blocks.

Digital Government

Spurning the Internet: Many Americans not online at all--by choice

A study released recently by the Pew Internet & American Life Project reports that broadband adoption in the United States has slowed considerably in 2010 after a decade of steady growth. And a surprising number of people still don't use the Internet and don't want to.


NASA makes 3G iPhone available to employees

NASA has added 3G iPhones to its Outsourcing Desktop Initiative list that makes the devices available to employees.


Feds should watch Oracle lawsuit against Google

Oracle has sued Google over the use of Java in Google's Android operating system.


Social media emerge as digital avenue for emergency response

The public increasingly is turning to Facebook and Twitter for help in emergencies -- and it expects government agencies to be paying attention, according to a new Red Cross survey.

Digital Government

Yes, Canada is different

Globetrotter Steve Kelman's travels take him to the Great White North.


Saudis follow UAE's BlackBerry ban

Saudi Arabia will halt BlackBerry smartphone service in the kingdom, effective August 5.


Emirates to block most BlackBerry services

Move by UAE to suspend BlackBerry services will affect local users and international travelers passing through the nation's airport.

Digital Government

RIM unveils touch-screen Torch

RIM unveils the BlackBerry Torch, a smart phone that combines a BlackBerry keyboard and a touch screen.

Digital Government

Can you take a break from your (working) vacation?

With mobile computing devices in hand, a lot of people take their work with them everywhere, even on vacation. Does this happen to you?

Digital Government

NASA could get funds for solar-storm warning system

Congress is considering legislation that would provide funding for NASA to better predict solar storms, which can interfere with electronic communications on Earth.

Digital Government

The summer of my Droid

A six-month stint with a Verizon Wireless Droid by Motorola eased daily tasks for writer Trudy Walsh.

Digital Government

Ready or not, the workplace will get a lot more mobile, social

A global survey by Unisys and IDC finds rapid growth in the use of smart phones and special networking applications on the job.

Digital Government

The prescription for cell phone viruses

Although malware targeting mobile devices is on the rise, there are some things you should know -- and some steps you should take -- that will keep yours uninfected.

Digital Government

Can BlackBerry's rumored tablet unseat iPad?

The rumor mill is working overtime with stories of a Flash-friendly BlackBerry tablet from Research in Motion

Digital Government

Is your smart phone infected with malware?

An informal survey suggests that 18 percent of smart phones may be infected with viruses and spyware. Is yours? How would you know?


Russian spy ring: IT was not enough

The recently busted Russian spy ring won't win any awards for the most innovative use of advanced technology.


Sexting case chills workplace privacy

The majority of our readers appear to agree with the Supreme Court that you can’t expect any messages you send on employer-issued equipment to be private.

Digital Government

Sexting is just the start of workplace privacy concerns

Our readers like the Supreme Court's ruling in a California sexting case. But there are other issues to consider.

Digital Government

Sexting case outcome changes the rules on workplace privacy

Supreme Court rules that government employers can look at private messages on employer-owned equipment, as long as they have a legitimate reason to do so.