
Military likely to shun iPhone

As the military continues its search for the best battlefield smart phone, it’s looking increasingly doubtful that the iPhone will be a contender.

Digital Government

Military, other fed iPad users compromised in AT&T hack

Military and civilian agency iPad users were among the thousands whose data was exposed in a recent successful hack of AT&T's Web site.

Digital Government

21 years later, public safety networks still can't talk to each other

After more than two decades of development, the P25 suite of interoperability standards for public safety radio networks remains incomplete, House panel is told.

Digital Government

FEMA puts disaster info into hands of smart-phone users

The Federal Emergency Management Agency's new mobile Web site offers information on emergency preparedness, response and assistance via smart phone.


Mobile SSA statistics: Agency wants an app for that

The Social Security Administration surveys vendors about creating iPhone applications.

Digital Government

The busy executive's mobile edge

In this special report, John Zyskowski takes you through the opportunities and challenges mobile technology offers.

Digital Government

How to choose the right mobile device

When you assess your needs first, picking the right smart phone will be a cinch.

Digital Government

A day in the life of Linda Cureton's mobile device

NASA's CIO shares her secrets for staying connected while on the move.

Digital Government

8 ways to tame mobile devices in the workplace

Experts offer tips for controlling costs and securing your agency's mobile devices.

Digital Government

Mobile devices roam the digital Wild West

Some government offices are centralizing mobile management to reduce costs and security risks.


High court to settle 'sexting' at work case

The future of employee privacy rights in the workplace is taking center stage as the Supreme Court hears a case about sending and receiving racy messages via a government network.

Digital Government

iPad: 10 reasons feds should be eager

The GCN Lab finds 10 reasons why feds will love the iPad, starting with a couple of things it doesn't have.

Digital Government

iPad: 10 reasons feds should be wary

The GCN Lab has offered 10 reasons(plus a bonus reason) why iPads would be good for government use. But what's right for one user isn't always right for another. So here are 10 reasons why government employees might want to take a pass.


New lifeline for the poor and underprivileged arrives via mobile health

Because of White House involvement, Text4baby is probably the most high-profile example of mobile health. Its success is likely to give more attention to a health information technology approach that has been in development for at least three years and is on the cusp of expanded federal regulation.

Digital Government

Will influx of iPads cripple wireless networks?

The release of Apple's iPad will add another flood of wireless-ready devices to the demand for wireless connectivity, and at least one government official fears that the proliferation of gadgets could bog down wireless networks.

Digital Government

Think you want an iPad? Read this first!

Everyone seems to want an iPad, but is it worth it? Early reviews paint a muddled picture of iPad's pros and cons.

Digital Government

Put your broadband connection to the test

FCC adds tools to broadband plan Web site that can show you whether you're getting the speed you're paying for. Here's how to find out.

Digital Government

DHS to enlist cell phones for early-warning chemical detection

The Homeland Security Department is working on developing a cell phone with an artificial nose that can detect and warn of chemical attacks.

Digital Government

Attack of the killer cell phones, Part 2

GCN Lab’s Greg Crowe responds to reader comments about cell phone health risks.