
DISA honors excellence in acquisition

DISA team gets credit for replacing expiring contracts with up-to-date contracts that match agency telecommunications contracting needs with Defense Department policy.


GSA's new chief says fiasco 'cuts to heart' of mission

Tangherlini, acting head of GSA, says the over-the-top conference spending undermines of GSA's duty to save the government money.


Congress calls GSA officials in wake of scandal

IG's report of blatant overspending brings GSA officials to face lawmakers' questions at three congressional hearings.


What acquisition officials can learn from 'Real Housewives'

The relationships between agencies and contractors can be as delicate as those on television.


DOD struggles to limit contractors to appropriate jobs, GAO finds

The challenge of separating inherently governmental work from contractor-appropriate work bedevils DOD.

Digital Government

Doan defends Bush on conference spending

Doan said the Obama administration is diverting attention away from itself by blaming George W. Bush for a new scandal over a lavish conference.


For CIOs, tight budgets have a silver lining

Fiscal pressures provide CIOs with an opportunity to prove their value, writes Alan Balutis.

Digital Government

In acquisition, more meetings might not be a waste of time

Acquisition officials are missing the point if they don’t make time to collaborate and communicate, writes Peter Tuttle.


FPS at crossroads with RAMP contract, IG says

The Federal Protective Service has to do some hurry-up analysis to make a decision about the future of its risk management tool, according to a new report.


GSA's leader steps down over wasteful spending report

Martha Johnson, two other top GSA officials, out as IG details extravagant spending and rules violations connected to Western Regions conference.


Agencies get a boost from agile development

Government and industry execs discuss successful acquisition strategies in wake of shrinking budgets.


VA looking for mobile apps in innovation contest

The Veterans Affairs Department announced a new round of industry competition to develop applications and solutions for the department.