
USPTO launches desktop buy

Agency potentially could purchase nearly 40,000 machines


NAPA: IT workforce stable

The number of IT workers moving in and out of government is almost equal


Commerce CIO to leave

Roger Baker, chief information officer at the Commerce Department, has resigned


Feds sign up for self-service

Workers logging on to personalized online pages for pay and benefits information

Digital Government

OPM IT gets a boost

Fiscal 2002 budget coverage: Millions go to human resources, retirement systems

Digital Government

Commerce sees ups and downs

Fiscal 2002 budget coverage: Census, NOAA make gains; Advanced Technology Program hurt


New IT job family may debut in May

Next month, the Office of Personnel Management expects to have its new information technology job family ready for official use.


IT job front remains critical

It won't be much easier for agencies to find skilled information technology workers this year, despite the slower economy and the recent string of dotcom layoffs


Which jobs are hot?

Demand for information technology professionals is spread more evenly across disciplines in 2001 and down overall from last year


Agencies told to use telework

A telework champion in Congress recommends appointing a telework czar and demands agencies make telecommuting a priority.


Report: Flexibility key to staffing woes

Early results from a NAPA report show organizations have changed recruitment and retention strategies to cope with a tight IT labor market.


Workforce reforms in store

Sen. George Voinovich (ROhio) is crafting legislation that would reform human capital management or people management in government.


Agencies must enforce teleworking

A House panel agrees that if agencies don't participate, they should be held accountable.


Federal buyers could job swap

To invigorate workers, a new program will let them sample jobs at other agencies


Report: Flexibility key to staffing woes

Study finds salaries and management must be able to bend to meet IT workforce needs


Senator seeks input on workforce reform

Voinovich asks for suggestions on legislative changes for federal workforce management reform


Courts hear online records debate

Officials mull how to balance privacy of court records with right to access them


OPM's pay raise champion leaving

Henry Romero, instrumental in pushing through the IT pay raise, is headed to San Diego County


Workforce a priority for Accenture

Accenture is taking aim at government workforce problems with a new service designed to help agencies address their human resources needs


OPM readies new IT job series

The Office of Personnel Management is one step closer to changing how jobs performed by federal information technology workers are structured and defined, a move that will bring government more in line with the private sector.