
Privacy vs. access

Courts debate online access to case files


OPM readies new IT job series

The Office of Personnel Management is one step closer to changing how jobs performed by government information technology workers are structured and defined.


Courts mull comments on Internet filing

The public gives mixed reviews to creating electronic case files and providing access via the Internet


Defense E-Mall changes hands

The Defense Logistics Agency will take over the Defense Department's online shopping mall


Procurement: From fast to cheap

Agencies should focus on getting the best deal by comparing multiple vendor bids, Army official urges


GSA predicts strong online sales

Online mall, auction site thriving, says the FSS' chief information officer, who's headed to industry

Digital Government

Legislation promotes e-commerce

Bill would require NIST to help manufacturers integrate ecommerce technology into their business

Digital Government

NWS shopping for high-speed computer

The new system would crunch numerical weather models used in forecasting


Accenture tackles workforce planning

A new people management service will help government agencies manage their workforce needs


Federal retirement system delays mount

The new Thrift Savings Plan recordkeeping system won't be up and running until next year

Digital Government

Panel maps info reform

An independent commission has delivered its proposal to overhaul the way the government manages and disseminates public information.


Agencies fill IT pay gaps

The pay raise that kicked in Jan. 1 for many federal information technology workers left out employees in some agencies, such as the Federal Aviation Administration.


Management cuts require planning

Officials warn about call to slash managerial ranks throughout government


People management starts at top

Money, influence needed to address high-risk area of human capital management

Digital Government

Digital divide program in peril

Congressman alarmed at potential budget cuts for Technology Opportunities Program


Panel proposes public info overhaul

NCLIS recommends an overhaul of the way government manages and disseminates information


NIST's Balutis leaving government

Alan Balutis, director of NIST's Advanced Technology Program, will become executive director of FGIPC


VHA workers get back pay

Under a settlement, some computer specialists at the VHA are receiving back pay and will receive overtime pay from now on


Agencies' people problems

Examples of agencies with human capital challenges, according to the General Accounting Office


HUD hailed, but still has high risk

Weaknesses with internal controls, information and financial management systems persist in some HUD programs