Digital Government

Commerce makes progress on modernization

GAO recognized Commerce for making progress on the National Weather Service modernization program


Workforce woes make GAO's high-risk list

Government workforce issues for the first time have been placed on the General Accounting Office's high-risk list reserved for programs that are vulnerable to waste, fraud, abuse and mismanagement.


Workforce woes labeled 'high risk'

Government workforce issues have been placed on GAO's high-risk list for programs that are vulnerable to waste, fraud and abuse


VHA computer specialists hit pay dirt

A settlement agreement has brought back pay to some computer specialists at the Veterans Health Administration


OPM kicks off training, HR contract

OPM has launched a follow-on contract designed to help agencies develop human resources and training programs


XML explained

In a nutshell, Extensible Markup Language is a markup specification language that allows programmers to design ways of describing information


Future electronic records archives bet on XML

The survivability of digital information over time is the biggest challenge the National Archives and Records Administration faces


Feds clarify rule on bonuses

Federal officials propose to explicitly let government contractors give bonuses to technical and other employees to attract and retain them.


The XML files

Extensible Markup Language doesn't exactly roll off the tongue, but XML is rapidly becoming a familiar acronym for agencies looking to exchange information, conduct online business, publish documents to the World Wide Web and archive records


Commerce rewiring for e-gov

The Commerce Department is forging ahead with a key program that will help spur its e-government initiatives

Digital Government

HHS readies health security standards

HHS expects to issue final security standards early next year to protect electronically stored or transmitted health care records


Uncle Sam wants you

OPM has issued interim regulations that describe hiring and management procedures associated with the new Federal Career Intern Program


DOD smart card initiative picks up steam

The Defense Department is testing smart cards that it plans to eventually roll out to 4 million people within the department

Digital Government

FirstGov to make forms, services handier

GSA soon will launch an online service on FirstGov that will link citizens to the top 500 government services and their associated forms

Digital Government

NIST readies smart card testing

An interim testing program will help agencies determine if the smart cards and readers they buy off a governmentwide contract will work together


Giving public data its due

Panel proposes informationoversight agency


Proposals pour in for Navy e-business

The Navy has received more than 300 proposals for pilot ebusiness projects designed to improve the way the service operates.


Executive order on training awaited

President Clinton is expected to sign an executive order advancing the use of technology in training programs to create a bettertrained federal workforce


OPM details IT pay raise

Rates give bigger raises to entrylevel workers where need is greatest

Digital Government

Will NTIS stay afloat?

A presidential commission has proposed changes to Commerce's NTIS business model to help it survive in an electronic world.