
Time for a change

The government should take a cue from the private sector and supply each federal employee with a laptop and Internet service, a top Army official said last week.


Funding essential for EPS enhancements

The General Services Administration plans to use money from the fiscal 2001 budget proposal for future development of the Electronic Posting System, potentially creating a single point of entry for industry to access governmentwide business opportunities


GSA Advantage to deliver faster, timely product updates

A partnership with and Netfish Technologies Inc. will mean faster and easier product updates and more accurate information in the General Services Administration's online catalog


Expansion of federal telecommuting possible

New legislation would require the president to issue an executive order to allow federal workers to take advantage of telecommuting options

Digital Government

Plan maps out Commerce's digital department vision

An intranet and new Web portal are key provisions in the department's effort to reduce paper and increase efficiency


Budget funds benefits, IT training programs

The Clinton administration's fiscal 2001 budget would provide federal workers with a 3.7 percent pay hike, but the nation's largest federal employee union says it plans to lobby Congress for more

Digital Government

Commerce budget rich in high-tech proposals

Fiscal 2001 budget proposal pushes for strategic investments to help the department keep pace with modern technology

Digital Government

Commerce takes stock of security systems

CIO Roger Baker is in search of a Public Key Infrastructure program to serve as a model for the future digital department

Digital Government

House: E-benefits must be standardized

States currently use different EBT systems that do not interoperate, leading to widespread fraud, officials say


Davis bill excludes at-home workers from OSHA coverage

The bill would strip telecommuters of protection against federal health and safety violations

Digital Government

Government seeks public feedback on e-commerce barriers

Commerce wants to know what laws should change to help grow ebusiness

Digital Government

House: E-benefits must be standardized

Electronic benefit transfer systems currently allow for widespread fraud, officials say

Digital Government

Avesta signs on with GTSI

Move will give the company's service management products more play in the federal government

Digital Government

Calibrating connectivity through MeasureNet

The National Institute of Standards and Technology on Friday announced a new interactive Internetbased system that it will use to provide assistance and training to certain statelevel science labs throughout the country.


Exec exodus

Less than two weeks into the new year, more senior government technology chiefs joined the ranks of those quitting government for work in the private sector. And circumstances virtually assure that this trickle of departures will swell into a steady stream.

Digital Government

New IBM supercomputer to improve weather predictions

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Weather Service today declared operational one of the world's fastest supercomputers, which it will use to improve the accuracy and timeliness of weather forecasts and warnings.

Digital Government

ATF eyes paperless financing

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms recently migrated to a new financial management system to help it achieve its goal of a paperless financial environment.


GSA releases smart card solicitation

The General Services Administration released the longawaited solicitation for the governmentwide Smart Access Common ID Card program that will provide a single vehicle for agencies to buy smart card products and services.


Lessons learned

The Year 2000 problem, which came and went with only minor disruptions, may be remembered more for its positive impact on information technology than its catastrophic threat.

Digital Government

Joseph Leo appointed Agriculture CIO

Joseph Leo has been named the new chief information officer at the Agriculture Department, replacing Anne Reed, who plans to retire from government in February.