
House bill aims to provide IT worker shortage relief

A bill introduced Wednesday would temporarily increase to 200,000 the number of H1B visas that employers could use to hire highly trained foreign workers in areas such as information technology


Tech tools help fight work force shortage

Faced with an aging work force, a tight labor market and a rising demand for workers with hightech skills, the Office of Personnel Management is acutely aware that federal agencies need help working through the federal hightech work force crisis.


GSA Advantage gets personal

GSA's online shop will deliver customized product and service information


Derrick Rogers

Derrick Rogers, Internet and intranet team leader at the General Services Administration, dispels the myth that telecommuters work less than workers in the office. He finds himself working an extra half hour on a project when he works from home ? something he does three times a pay period.


IT worker relief in sight

Congress is debating whether to raise the number of H-1B visas awarded to highly skilled foreign workers each year, a move that supporters say will help fill essential information technology positions.


Task force pushes tech, training

An interagency task force is preparing to submit recommendations to the White House on how the government can use technology to improve training opportunities for federal employees.


Remote services

Sally Perry, center director for localarea networking at the General Services Administration's Office of the Chief Information Officer, finds that the employees who telecommute are happier and more motivated. It's a benefit we can give them at no cost, she said.


Telecommuting hits a road block

Federal telecommuting struggles for acceptance despite efforts to kick-start the program


OFPP set to launch online "Yellow Pages"

The Office of Federal Procurement Policy is raising concerns in government and industry with its plans to launch a Web site listing products and services available on multiagency contracts.


Intel to give employees PCs

Intel Corp. announces a plan to give its 70,000 employees PCs, Internet access and computer services at no charge.

Digital Government

Commerce official heads to industry

Gary Bachula, deputy undersecretary for technology at the Commerce Department's Technology Administration, is leaving to explore job opportunities in the private sector


With liberty and laptops for all?

The federal government should take a cue from the private sector and give each federal employee a PC and Internet service, a top Army official said last month.


Bill would suspend new outsourcing

Measure would force agencies to prove outsourcing contracts are costeffective, but it's unlikely to pass this session

Digital Government

Nautical charts on demand

Even the least experienced sailor knows that having an accurate, current map of the waterways is essential for safe travel.

Digital Government

E-gov tops feds' lists

The Federal CIO Council plans to immediately tackle a detailed list of digital government initiatives, many of which are intergovernmental.


Technology for training recommendations under way

Task force likely to submit ideas for how the government can incorporate technology into training plans in July

Digital Government

House: E-Benefits Must Be Standardized

The U.S. House of Representatives recently passed a bill requiring states' electronic benefits transfer systems to conform to a national standard.

Digital Government

Commerce to promote wireless technology

Government and business will meet to discuss the possibilities of wireless

Digital Government

Federal, state CIOs recognize common goals

Federal and state chief information officers meeting together for the first time vowed to forge a closer working relationship to solve common technology issues.

Digital Government

CIO Council details e-gov agenda

The Federal CIO Council plans to immediately tackle a detailed list of digital government initiatives, many of which are intergovernmental.