
New firm offers full e-purchasing platform

The effort is a collaboration between NIC Commerce and Bank of America Corp.

Digital Government

"Cyber Ethics" conference set for October

The event is designed to show educators how to teach students that Internet crimes are no less criminal than offline crimes

Digital Government

NGA: States must nurture new economy

And the best way to do this is to work closely with the private sector, a National Governor's Report finds

Digital Government

NEA: Schools need $53.7 billion in technology

The report recommends states find a permanent funding structure to pay for schools' ongoing needs

Digital Government

House committee extends tax ban

The Judiciary Committee voted to extend the current moratorium on Internet taxes until 2006


Survey: Americans e-mailing public officials

A survey by found that 12 percent of the public has tried to contact a government official by e-mail, though only 5 percent of those were acknowledged

Digital Government

Colorado to create statewide high-speed network

The state has awarded US West a contract to get a high-speed, fiber-optic network to all state offices and schools.

Digital Government

Grants will build Community Technology Centers

The Education Department awarded $44 million to build 214 centers so the underprivileged in 27 states will have access to computers


Police intranet made easier

The Redmond, Wash., Police Department has chosen software that will allow police to quickly post information on an intranet without assistance from information technology staff.


EPA trying to ease toxic reporting

The Environmental Protection Agency is developing 'intelligent' software to guide users through filing reports online about the release of toxic chemicals


Cities populating World Wide Web

Cities are quickly joining the electronic government craze by providing information and services online, an informal National League of Cities poll has found.

Digital Government

States struggling with welfare reform

A U.S. General Accounting Office report recommends forming a federal interagency group to help states improve the systems

Digital Government

Washington coalition attacks Internet crime

Federal, state and local law enforcement agencies in Washington have joined together to fight Internet crime, saying each agency alone does not have the expertise or resources to respond to Internet complaints.

Digital Government

Company donates tech to Indian schools

Native American Systems Inc. has donated $100,000 in equipment and services to bring Internet access to American Indian schools in remote parts of the country

Digital Government

Del. Court Internet Site More Than E-Forms

The Delaware Superior Court has launched a World Wide Web site that features comprehensive information about the court and how it operates.

Digital Government

Environmental Violations in Delaware Spotlight

Delaware Gov. Thomas Carper has directed the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control to post information about environmental violations on its World Wide Web site.

Digital Government

Software Helps Job Seekers

Electronic Data Systems Corp. and Applied Theory Corp. announced they have teamed up to provide state and local governments with software that can be used to integrate employment services.

Digital Government

Net tax report in, but issue isn't over

Despite the work of a 19- member commission that met for 10 months, heard from more than 55 experts, received thousands of pieces of mail and formally presented a 150-page report to Congress last month, the issue of Internet sales taxes is as unresolved as ever.

Digital Government

NEF offers information technology scholarships

Money for Internet-based IT courses will be available to those making less than $40,000 a year


Internet for Everyone: Georgia City Finds a Way

When LaGrange, Ga.'s Information Technology Committee considered wiring every household, school and business in the community with a high-speed Internet connection, they worried about creating an unsocial community dependent on the Internet for communication.