
PKI is gradually making its mark in e-gov

Agencies are feeling the heat from the Bush administration to get to green on electronic government.


First e-gov certificate student graduates from NDU

The National Defense University today graduated 109 military, civilian and foreign government IT workers from its five certificate programs, including the first federal employee to earn an e-government certificate. <br>


E-government should stress customer service, report says

Accenture’s latest e-government survey calls for greater use of customer relationship management techniques, metrics.<br>


Oregon tests project to make data sharing easier

Geographic information system officials at the Oregon Geospatial Data Clearinghouse are testing a way to provide access to distributed data sets — some of them geographic, some not — over the Web.<br>


OMB expects better grades on next report card

When the next report from the President’s Management Agenda comes out later this month, the Office of Management and Budget expects agencies to have made significant progress in meeting the goals the agenda has set.<br>


Polices and practices: Promises, promises keep e-gov bottled up

At a recent pep rally the Office of Management and Budget held for the 25 Quicksilver initiatives, project leaders and staff celebrated their e-government successes. But after the backslapping and cheers ended, most of the talk turned to the question of funding and how to get more of it.


Forman assures a House panel that e-gov is making progress

The Disaster Management e-government project is back on track, following changes made in October by the Office of Management and Budget. It was one of a handful of projects highlighted at a House hearing last month about how agencies are faring on their e-government projects.


OMB official cites progress on e-gov business cases

Agencies have made progress in developing e-government business cases, but an Office of Management and Budget official said today that there is still room for improvement.<br>


Best is yet to come for Houston e-gov

Although Houston had some memorable moments in the last century—does July 20, 1969, ring a bell?—its best times lie ahead, Houston CIO Richard Lewis said.


Federal approach to IT spurs growth, researcher says

The government’s push toward homeland security and e-government is driving the federal IT market, according to the chief of a federal market research firm. <br>


Major programs within Houston e-gov

<b>Voice over IP telephony</b>. The city plans to develop an IP telephony system that digitizes a user’s voice and assembles the digital data into discrete voice packets for transport across Houston’s data network. It will converge data, voice and video onto a single network.


OMB’s e-government report due in two weeks

The Office of Management and Budget will release the latest version of its e-government strategy report April 17.<br>


Commerce gets off paper trail

Tom Pyke likes to think of the Commerce Department as the Department of E-government. So when Congress passed the Government Paperwork Elimination Act in 2000, CIO Pyke didn’t see the edict as much of a burden.<@SM>


Survey: Top challenges are funding and security

In developing its list of 10 challenges, GCN drew on a variety of sources, including former and current federal officials, government contractors and analysts.


Success starts with sweet talk

A successful e-government project is built mainly on enterprise architecture plans and other technical elements, but one of its key pillars is something intangible: diplomacy.


OPM debuts site for federal education funds

The Office of Personnel Management today launched a new Web site for students who apply for federal education funds. The e-Scholar site, linked to OPM’s USAJobs employment portal, lists more than $400 million in scholarships, fellowships, grants, internships and cooperative programs.<@SM>


Lawmakers hear of problems with INS student tracking system

Lawmakers are revisiting the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services’ Student and Exchange Visitor Information System after numerous complaints of faulty technology.<br>


GSA will develop new strategy for Advantage site

At the behest of the General Accounting Office, the General Services Administration will make the business case for its online schedule buying system. <br>


Uncle Sam issues data-sharing standards for medical info

The government has issued governmentwide standards for coding and sharing medical records.<@SM> <br>


Despite mixed results, feds make GPEA a priority

October will mark five years since President Clinton signed the Government Paperwork Elimination Act in the hope that Internet technology would change the way the government interacts with citizens. Although the Net has transformed how agencies do business, the government will fall short of GPEA’s vision.