Digital Government

Peregrine looks to rebuild after setbacks

Asset management firm focuses on government market.


New hope for TCE’s losing vendors

Treasury must correct contracting misstep.


CACI aids Navy logistics research

Systems intgrator leads center to apply commercial technology to logistics.


Networx contract gets reworked

GSA delays RFP as a result of vendor complaints.


Networx RFPs delayed

GSA officials say they need more time to address concerns raised by industry.


MPC enters HyperSpace

HyperSpace Communications agreed to acquire MPC Computers.


Jewell: Taming the fed frontier under a big sky

Montana procurement director helps small firms in far-flung outposts.


Sprint wins Asian DISA deal

The company will provide connectivity for Defense Department sites from Japan to Guam.

Digital Government

SRA launches privacy program

It's designed to build privacy in with security right from the start.


Okay: Fixing a Networx disconnect

Former FTS official prevents a communications breakdown.


How to reorganize — that is the question

GSA says it will have a draft plan by May.


GAO: Memo changed Treasury telecom deal

Competitors for Treasury Communications Enterprise should have been allowed to submit revised bids, GAO says.


Treasury protests sustained

GAO upheld protests of the Treasury Communications Enterprise contract that was originally awarded to AT&T.

Digital Government

GST buys TMC

Company officials say they can expand their combined business base in NOAA and NASA.


GSA schedule data lacking, GAO finds

The General Services Administration must get more information to show schedule buyers get the best prices, GAO says.


House ponders GSA overhaul

Members of Congress probed General Services Administration officials today on plans to merge FTS and FSS.

Digital Government

GTSI starts loan unit

The reseller now has subsidiary with financing for its customers.


Qwest to extend Energy net

The five-year deal continues Qwest’s support of the Energy Sciences Network run by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.


Military certifies Cisco telephony

Cisco's CallManager 4.1 software, several network switches and three phone models can be used in mission-critical DOD environments.

Digital Government

Gov searches get Clusty

Vivisimo's Clusty search engine now has a government section.