Digital Government

JNetDirect aims for government

The company formed when Juldi acquired NetDirect wants to expand its government business.


Small biz feels shut out of DHS

Entrepreneurs tell a House subcommittee that small businesses are finding it hard to do business with the Homeland Security Department.


VA official promotes integration

The undersecretary for memorial affairs at the VA spoke at the Executive Leadership Conference.

Digital Government

Responders need better info sharing

Hurdles still hamper communication between first responders, a panel concluded.

Digital Government

Forget FGIPIC, now it's ACT

The group formerly known as the Federation of Government Information Processing Councils has a new name and broader mission.

Digital Government

How small is small?

SBA to change small-business size system

Digital Government

The Pipeline

Wireless, wireless everwhere; Linux and Lucy; Pop-up computer


Reich pushes for change insurgency

The former secretary of labor warned of barriers to change.


Military frets over A-76 studies

Defense officials fear their competitive sourcing efforts could be derailed by new requirements in the 2004 spending bill.


Networx RFI issued

The Federal Technology Service wants comments on its proposed replacement for FTS 2001.


FirstGov en Espanol esta aqui!

The federal government now has a Spanish version of its one-stop portal for information.

Digital Government

AMS appoints Keating to board

The tech services firm says it can use the former Oklahoma governor's knowledge of state, local and federal government.

Digital Government

Peregrine CEO on world tour

John Mutch is meeting with customers as his company recovers from past financial problems.


Sprint spared debarment

The General Services Administration won't propose barring the telecom firm from new federal contracts, Sprint officials said today.


MCI brings in ethics boss

Nancy Higgins came from Lockheed Martin to lead MCI's efforts to remake itself as a model corporate citizen.


Agencies still going slowly on performance contracting

Mather: Concept encounters 'capital-C cultural change'

Digital Government

Westbridge releases XML server

The middleware product limits users' access to information.


OMB reports progress with competition goals

A Bush administration report designed to promote its competitive sourcing initiative shows that controversy over the initiative is not likely to fade

Digital Government

Raytheon hires former STG exec

Peter Janke will be lead operations officer of Raytheon Information Solutions.

Digital Government

SRA overhauls exec ranks

Several top managers at the outsourcing and integration firm will change positions on Nov. 12.