
FedTracker: Kerry likes Obama's SBA choice

President-elect Barack Obama has chosen a seasoned venture capitalist to head the Small Business Administration. Obama's announcement earlier today drew cheers from Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.), chairman of the Small Business and Entrepreneurship committee.


Transition Watch: Obama picks old hands for Interior. Agriculture top posts

President-elect Obama will nominate Sen. Ken Salazar (D-Colo.) to be his Interior secretary, while Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack has the nod to become secretary of Agriculture.


Klossner: The CTO tryout

FCW cartoonist John Klossner ponders what skill level upper management technology positions should require.


Letter: Obama's accessibility refreshing

A reader writes to express approval for President-elect Barack Obama's radio address posted to YouTube.


FedTracker: Obama picks Chicago neighbor to head Education

President-elect Barack Obama has picked Arne Duncan, superintendent of Chicago's public school system, to be Secretary of Education and to spearhead the new administration’s attempts at education reform.


Comment: What Obama can learn from the Washington Redskins

Changing presidents is like changing coaches in many ways, Mark Abramson writes.


IAC tells transition team about IT in government

The council recommends that the government be innovative as it takes advantage of what IT offers.


The Lectern: Contracting in a time of mega-deficits and economic downturn

Government contracting has a number of chronic challenges that need addressing but that can't be fixed overnight. Meanwhile, there is a chance for our contracting workforce, and the incoming administration, to score some quick contracting wins that are related to the current economic and budget situation.


Transition Watch Modernizing the presidential radio address

Barack Obama will still deliver the broadcast on radio, but it also will be available in video format on YouTube.


Sell new bosses on old programs

Officials need to demonstrate business value, leadership and good program management skills.


Transition Watch: Obama's e-gov vision will take time

It remains to be seen whether Team Obama's successful use of Web 2.0 technologies during the presidential campaign and transition will translate to into a new era of e-government.


New editor takes the helm at 1105 GIG

David Rapp joins Federal Computer Week as editor-in-chief after a long career as a print journalist and a stint as an Internet entrepreneur.


Op-ed: Tech czar is maybe good, maybe bad

Whether a presidentially-chosen chief technology officer is a good idea depends totally on the expectations and responsibilities of the job, Frank McDonough writes.


Transition team opens for questions, votes

More than 500,000 votes were recorded by the second day of operation, officials said.


FCW Insider: What users have to say about users debate the management and value of Obama's online forums.


FedTracker: Obama picks leaders for Energy and EPA

The next administration's environmental team is falling into place.


Chertoff: Hands off FEMA; upgrade IT

The outgoing secretary opposes carving FEMA out of DHS and wants continued progress on IT programs.


Letter: Praising Lorentz piece

A reader writes to say he hopes the article by Norm Lorentz, OMB's first chief information officer, is given attention.


FedTracker: Obama picks Shinseki for VA

Retired Army Gen. Eric Shinseki will head the Veterans Affairs department in the Obama administration. Shinseki served 38 years in the Army, and was chief of staff from 1999 until his retirement in 2003.


Transition Watch Chertoff says wait on DHS revamp

Secretary Michael Chertoff has urged his successor to wait on any reorganization that could increase fear and doubt across the sprawling Homeland Security Department.